
Why Are Electric Scooters Considered The Best Way To Get Around?

Whether you are a worker or a student, you have inevitably, at one time or another, thought about the best way to get around without stress. Of course, even remote workers and stay-at-home moms and dads need to commute from time to time. Luckily, electric scooters came into existence when we needed them most.

Electric scooters are economical, eco-friendly, portable and fast – exactly the perfect features for commuting around town! Instead of spending long hours in traffic jams with cars or buses, we can simply move around with our scooters. If you are wondering why millions of people around the world make electric scooters their first choice of commuting. If you're wondering why millions of people around the world make electric scooters their first choice for getting around and why you should get yours too, here are a few reasons.

8 Reasons Why Electric Scooters Are The Number 1 Choice For Getting Around Town. 

They are Portable and Convenient

Electric scooters take up less space than cars, motorcycles and other similar vehicles. Most of them fit easily in the trunk of a small car, which means you can easily transport them. Interestingly, some of them, like the URbetter M3 and C1 Pro , have a foldable design that helps make them even more portable. Again, with electric scooters, you don't have to worry about an ordinary parking spot. All it takes is a small opening to park the micro-vehicle. Why ? They are small enough to fit into spaces that can never accommodate cars or buses.

They Save Time

Traffic jams are a big problem all over the world. In large cities, the roads are usually crowded, especially during rush hour, which creates traffic jams. Not only is it stressful, but it's also a waste of time. Imagine spending three to four hours a day in traffic jams… But electric scooters offer a sustainable solution to this problem.

Given their relatively compact size, electric scooters have little or no impact on urban traffic jams. With a scooter, guess who wouldn't have to wait for hours in a traffic jam? You ! While others are stuck in traffic, you will most likely reach your destination faster and stress-free. If more people adopt electric scooters, the transport system will be relieved, and traffic jams may well be a thing of the past.

They are Relatively Safe

Electric scooters are perhaps one of the safest forms of transportation around. But you should also understand that certain factors determine how safe your scooter is. The thing is, not all scooters are safe. For a scooter to be considered safe, it must be well built and, of course, it must have essential safety features. That's why URbetter scooters are among the safest around.

Scooter safety goes beyond the scooter. It also concerns the driver. To benefit from the optimal protection offered by electric scooters, drivers must respect the rules of the road and take precautions such as wearing a helmet. helmet , scooter knee pads , periodically perform scooter maintenance checks, keep your eyes on the road at all times, etc.

They do not require a driver's licenseThey do not require a driver's license

Unlike driving a car which requires a driver's license because authorities seek to ensure road safety, driving an electric scooter does not require a driver's license. And for the few countries where a permit is required, you can get it without much hassle. Additionally, the lack of a driver's license means that people of almost any age can legally ride a scooter. You can drive it, old people can do it. And even your 8-year-old can do it too. But just because you don't need a driver's license doesn't mean you should jump into scooter riding without the proper knowledge and expertise.

They allow savings to be made

The cheapest new cars available right now are around €200. Not everyone can pay this amount. On the other hand, the huge URbetter M4 Pro costs €760, while you can also get more budget electric scooters like the URbetter S1 Pro for just €300. Also, your expenses don't end with the purchase of the car; you will constantly have to refuel it, maintain it, pay for a parking space, etc. And if it develops any technical issues, yes, repairs aren't cheap, especially if a part needs to be replaced. So we can't blame people for turning to electric scooters that cost less to buy and maintain.

Interestingly, the direct customer-manufacturer links that exist between scooter brands and their customers allow for quick resolution of technical issues when they arise. But can a car owner quickly turn to the manufacturers of Toyota/Ferrari/Benz to complain about the technical difficulties of his car?

Their Systems are Easy to Understand

Most electric scooters have a simple and easy-to-use system. Surely you have already seen children go by on their scooter; if driving was complicated, it wouldn't be. People of all ages can learn to ride a scooter in just one or two days. Of course, it helps that brands like ours provide detailed manuals with each scooter to help the driver. And there are scooters of all levels of simplicity and complexity. Thus, amateur riders can choose a scooter within their range of abilities, while experienced riders can choose the more complicated ones.

They Generate a Low Level of Noise

Another practical advantage of the electric scooter is that it generates little or no noise. Cars, motorbikes, buses and other vehicles are very noisy, so cities tend to look like nightclubs. Well, electric scooters offer a quieter commuting option. Imagine a city without the annoying noise of vehicles, isn't it wonderful? The beauty of quiet vehicles like electric scooters is that they improve quality of life. There would be less stress and anxiety.

They are Environmentally Friendly

Without wanting to sound like a harbinger of doom, the fact is that the ecosystem is collapsing. Climate change and global warming threaten the earth we know. That's why we are encouraged to “go green”. Electric scooters are environmentally friendly and help reduce CO2 emissions. By opting for electric scooters, you reduce your carbon footprint and help save the planet. Isn't that heroic?


In today's world, there's no doubt that we're all commuters – in 2018, the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highways Administration reported that the… average person drives approximately 13,500 miles per year . Owning an electric scooter provides a better riding/riding option. It's safer, cheaper and more environmentally friendly. Sure, it's fun, and it's definitely another way to stay in shape. There are so many advantages to getting an electric scooter. So how about get your very own electric scooter today?

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